INNSA welcomes the new research produced by Swansea University which re-iterates the information provided within the INNSA Code of Practice for Managing Japanese knotweed produced in April 2017.
The key messages from the research match those of the INNSA membership, all of whom have signed up to the Invasives Code. It highlights the need to use contractors who apply the correct herbicide at the right time of year to get maximum effect and for this to be independently vetted.
INNSA and its members have always promoted the need for a sustained program when treating invasive weeds as herbicides are not an instant solution. The control of invasive plants with herbicides needs careful planning, knowledge and experience, and can then be highly efficient and effective. Along with insurance backed warranties, customers can have peace of mind that the plant will be successfully controlled and over time eradicated.
James Sherwood-Rogers the Chairman of INNSA commented ‘INNSA is all about setting standards for the invasives remediation industry and our Code of Practice for Managing Japanese knotweed is the authoritative document on the effective treatment of this very difficult species. All of our members work to the demanding standards that it sets and are also members of the Amenity assured scheme’